As of October 2022 I no longer maintain this site. Please visit for my current lab website and other updates.

Our new paper on bumble bees and fire: where do we go next?

Our new paper looking at changes in bumble bee colony abundance, body size, and foraging and dispersal distance in out in Journal of Animal Ecology! Below, I provide some meandering background on the study, discuss a few key findings, and offer some musings on where I think research on bees... [Read More]
Tags: Publications, bumble bees, fire

New paper out in Ecological Entomology!

Mola J.M., M.R. Miller, S. O’Rourke and N.M. Williams. 2020. Forests do not limit bumble bee foraging movements in a montane meadow complex. Ecological Entomology, Early View Online [Read More]
Tags: Publications, Movement Ecology